Categories: Update from the Dean

Update from the Dean - March 2017

Nation debates possibility of dramatically new directions for health care coverage, science funding, immigration, education; Revealing malaria/HIV drug interactions in children; Decreasing cancer drug toxicity while increasing dose; Engineering safer opioids; Evidence for comprehensive medication...

Update from the Dean - Spring/Summer 2016

Education: Evolving PharmD curriculum, Daniels Curriculum Awards; Collaborations and partnerships: pharmacy residency, UCSF/Haas MD/PhD startup marketplace; Patient care: SB 493 update; Faculty honors: Benet, Abate, Craik, Wells, Kroon, Corelli, Hudmon, Bourdet, Fischbach; Research publications:...

Update from the Dean - Fall/Winter 2015

Strategic planning; Recently received research funding: cancer, Alzheimer's, HIV, type 2 diabetes (Kroetz, Keiser, Gross, Roy); Recent faculty publications: fibrosis, biofilms, gout (DeGrado, Yang, Giacomini); Collaborations and partnerships; Patient care: SB 493, scope of practice for California...

Update from the Dean - Spring/Summer 2015

Strategic planning; Top NIH funding; Recently received research funding (Craik, Gartner, Abate, Cole, Aweeka); Recent faculty publications (DeGrado, Ahituv, Cutler, Pon, Branch, Chuang, Huynh); Education (Youmans): UCSF Bridges Pharmacy Curriculum Project, DRIVE Team; new staff (Nguyen, Miller);...

Update from the Dean - Fall/Winter 2014

Strategic planning, research funding: Savic, Fischbach, Huang; recent publications: Wells, Giacomini, Savic, Desai; patient care: OneUCSF Pharmacy: Wandres, formulary review: Brodowy, Tsourounis, VanOsdol; MedList Clinic: Stebbins, Cocohoba, Kroon, Lee, Rodondi, Youmans; automated system: Stebbins...

Update from the Dean - Spring/Summer 2014

Survey results; Strategic planning, retreat results and education; Recently received research funding (Szoka, Wells, Bandyopadhyay); Recent faculty publications (Kortemme, Renslo and Arkin, Van Osdol and Tsourounis); SB 493: Pharmacist provider status legislation; Walgreens at UCSF; Safeway...

Update from the Dean - Fall 2013

Observations and actions: First 100 days, Accreditation review of the PharmD program (Assemi), Recently received research funding (Phillips, Gartner, Abate), Recent faculty publications (Wells, DeGrado, González Burchard, Shin), Research in the public eye (Roy, González Burchard), Honors (Ahituv,...

Update from the Dean - Winter 2013

Top NIH funding: Shu, Aweeka, Brodsky. Recent gifts to The Kidney Project. Honors and awards: Day, Youmans, Benet, Schoenhaus. New pharmacy care model, Safeway. John Craig remembered. Mary Anne Koda-Kimble celebrated. Achieving our vision: 2007-2012.

Update from the Dean - Fall 2012

Faculty retreat, Recent faculty publications: Burlingame, Arkin, Chen, Cocohoba, Bero. Recently received research funding: Yang, Ahituv, Wells, Burlingame. Gifts: John and Marcia Goldman Foundation: The Kidney Project, Harry W. Hind Request: Troy C. Daniels Distinguished Professorship, The Joseph...

Update from the Dean - Fall/Winter 2012

Research: growth over past decade from $17.6 to 43.5 million, Apollonio, Roy, Wells, Center for Quantitative Pharmacology, Quantitative Biosciences Consortium. Faculty: DeGrado, Savic, James, Day, Rice, MacDougall, Fischbach, Huang. Students: Hluhanich, Frear, Gavrilova, Gayle, Tantipinichwong,...
