Topics and Expertise: antibiotics

Resistant bacteria meet their match with custom antibiotics

“Molecular building blocks” give antibiotics an edge over drug-resistant bacteria.

Fujimori delivers 2017 Byers Award Lecture on tackling antibiotic resistance

Since Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1940, countless lives have been saved by antibiotics. But their effectiveness is severely compromised by the emergence of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria, accelerated by the over-prescription of antibiotics and their widespread use as growth...

Fujimori unveils enzymatic process in bacteria that leads to antibiotic resistance

Research results published from the UCSF research laboratory of Danica Galonić Fujimori, PhD, have revealed a radical approach employed by bacteria to alter their ribosomes and thereby evade antibiotics. These findings could ultimately lead to the development of ways to block this enzymatic...